9:44 AM |

"Unite for Children, Unite Against AIDS is a global campaign launched by the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef), UNAIDS and other partners to promote world awareness of the AIDS pandemic and to spur action for the millions of children affected by HIV/AIDS. Fewer than 5% of HIV-positive children are receiving treatment.

The campaign provides a child-focused framework for country-level programs aiming to improve the lives of children affected by HIV/AIDS. It focuses on prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission and infection among adolescents and young people, provide paediatric treatment, and protect and support children affected by HIV/AIDS."

You know what? Kids in Zimbabwe die from starvation, kids from Ethiopia never been to school and kids from Iraq play with machine guns rather than toys. Look at them. Their eyes, their smiles and those innocent faces. What kind of life that they are facing? Stop yelling that you're miserable or complaining that you're unlucky. Never give up. It's just another day. Your day will come. Keep your head up and carry on with dignity. :)

Oh god! Am I talking like an eighty years old man? Well, I just wanna share the video below with you guys, but I don't know why I start with all those holy craps. Okay, it's like my cute little cousin was trying to help us brush the floor. He's so cute!